Born Lucky or just Lash Extensions?

Last summer my friend got lash extensions (you can read her review here) and they looked stunning and since then they were always something I wanted to try. I hemmed and hawed over them but in the end just decided that I could make due with false lashes if I wanted a little extra volume for a special event. This got me through the year  and I sort of forgot about lash extensions altogether but a couple months ago I had a wedding to go to in Florida and the idea of lash extensions came back to me and I had to have them! I didn’t want to have to worry about the heat and putting on make up, especially for hitting the beach or laying pool side, so extensions seemed like the perfect solution. The idea came to me while in the office at Flare and I had to have them right then and there so I started researching lash salons in the area on my lunch break. I discovered Mync Lash Lounge & Brow Bar in Yorkville, Toronto and luckily I was able to get a same-day appointment and walked over there after work.


Upon arrival, I was offered a beverage and asked to take off my contacts and any eye makeup. I took a seat in the chair and spoke to my lash stylist about the look I was going for. What is my everyday lash look she asked – how long and dramatic did I want them to look? I went with their “Born Lucky” set with 45 lashes per eye. I didn’t want high drama lashes as if I was going for a night out but something a little more subtle, just the way mother nature intended – or was I just born lucky 😉 ? I laid back and closed my eyes and about an hour and a bit later, I had my new lashes!

In Florida - poolside

In Florida – poolside

Now with lash extensions, you have to be careful with the makeup you use close to your eyes, they have to be oil-free and this goes for your makeup remover too. They sold oil-free makeup there – shadows, liners and mascara. Some girls choose to wear mascara over their lash extensions but that seems redundant to me – why get extensions if you’re still going to put on mascara? I don’t wear much eye makeup to begin with, just liquid liner so I bought their liner but I haven’t even been using it that much because with the lash extensions you don’t really need it, which is such a time saver because I literally roll out of bed in the morning and go! My only reservation with the extensions was the fact that I sleep with an eye mask and I was worried about this crushing them. My lash stylist told me this would be a bit of a problem and that I should try to sleep without it but I’m a bit of a diva when it comes to sleep and I need my eye mask! I’m happy to say that I still sleep with my eye mask and I haven’t had any problems. The one problem I have had is wearing my glasses because the lashes hit the lenses. I mostly wear contacts but on the odd day I won’t feel like putting in my contacts and just want to throw on my glasses. I mean it hasn’t stopped me from wearing my glasses but they can be a little annoying.

Otherwise no complaints, mostly just a new obsession. I never want to go back to mascara again! But they are on the pricey side, the set I got was $125 and they recommend you come in for a refill every 2-3 weeks, which will cost you between $60-$75 depending on how much fall-out you’ve had. I haven’t gone back for a fill yet and its been about a month (see picture below of me now), they still look pretty good for skipping on a refill but I have to make the decision whether I want to incorporate this into my beauty regime.


Maybe I’ll have to do some research and see if there are any salons or lash stylists that do it for cheaper. Stay tuned…