

I’m Kirsten McNeill, 23 years old and chasing after my dreams. If you know me, you know that I work my butt off and have a passion for fashion. I graduated from university in April 2011 with a degree in Business and Administration with a concentration in Marketing. I went on to work at a digital marketing agency for the past year and a half and I learned A TON!  I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in marketing but I felt that something was missing and that I could strive for more. If I love fashion, what am I waiting for? The time is now and I may as well go for it. What better time than right now to go after my dreams? Never would I have imagined that I would be a Flare marketing intern. I didn’t think I would be lucky enough to combine my passion outside of work into my work.

Join me on my journey as a Flare magazine intern, as I take a leap of faith and chase after my dreams. The Flare Diaries will also cover my random thoughts on beauty and fashion. Thanks for stopping by!

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